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APWA Southern California Chapter

Project of the Year: Recreation and Park Category


Perris, CA


Completed August 2022

Design Team

Scott Rice, Dan Burkhart, Kay Kite, Allison Rush, Luke Morris 


City of Perris


10 Developed Acres

22 Acres Total Site


$8.7 Million


Enchanted Hills Park is an active candidate for SITES Certification, a rating system developed by the Sustainable Sites Initiative based upon recognizing outdoor construction projects for their reduced water demand, enhanced biodiversity, reduced energy consumption, improved air quality, and increased outdoor recreation opportunities, amongst other stringent criteria. Enchanted Hills Park is on track to be Riverside County’s first SITES Certified project, and one of only a handful of SITES Certified parks across the state of California.

Download the Project's SITES Case Study here to find out more.

In this once derelict site, the City of Perris saw the valuable wild foliage, native landscape, and natural stone outcroppings that would be the perfect back drop for its community to gather, exercise, and enjoy SoCal’s idyllic weather.
The dedicated design professionals and City residents created a place where community -strengthening social connections could be made and environmental conservation would be understood and appreciated. They have created an inclusive space full of amenities for
users of all ages and abilities while embracing existing features like the community-made BMX track and owl mural that reflect local cultural identity.

Formerly 22-acres of uninhabitable, blighted property, Enchanted Hills Park is now a robust park space for the City of Perris. The design team enhanced the existing community made BMX track they added other active park play elements such as multiple playground structures, splash play, a skate spot, zip lines, and basketball courts. More relaxed park features include trails and walking paths, shaded seating, picnic and barbeque areas and a large lawn area. At this park users can appreciate some local culture by viewing ceramic art tiles drawn by local elementary school children or visiting the painted rock murals, inspired by “The Owl”. Painted by a neighborhood artist for his children, The Owl has been a longstanding neighborhood fixture since before the park’s development. The design also incorporated onsite stormwater features, native plant gardens, and low water use irrigation to bolsters the long-term sustainability of this park. By including interpretive signage throughout the park, users are educated on the importance of certain design elements throughout the site.


Enchanted Hills Park features large boulder formations throughout the park that are utilized as rock-climbing walls and backdrops for seating areas where users to stop, read, rest, and enjoy the restorative effects of time spent in nature. Local artists were also recruited to paint stones located in a mural garden within the park. Children from the nearby elementary school also provided artwork to display outside the park’s restroom
facility. These installations provide a sense of community ownership and pride in the park,
which also helps combat graffiti and vandalism.




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